Friday, 12 November 2010

Silence is golden!

Wow! I am very impressed with our men and women at the Bath Police Station, as a city centre resident and since my appointment as Chair for Abbey & Kingsmead PACT Meetings on 13 Oct 2010, the city centre on stall street and I'm sure on George Street and others have been pretty silent from anti social behavior consisting of shouts and screams from drunken young adults. Well done team, we will make this city and it's residents proud!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Annual PACT Chairs Meeting

Interesting Annual Chairs PACT Meeting for the whole Bath&NE Somerset held this evening at the Bath Guildhall. Great brainstorming session into how we can streamline our efforts and efficiency to better serve our community. We look forward to seeing head school teachers and resident associations also get involved, attend and give input at these crucial meetings.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Trouble in Paradise?!

We are not alone with antisocial behaviour and youth violence. This week I was in Bermuda where I met with locals and was interviewed by the local TV presenter Ms Vivienne Craig of VSB TV. Island of Bermuda is plagued with youth violence and gun attacks similar to our Walcot Ward residents in Snow Hill, Bath. I would like to develope a link between our Bath PACT Forum and their community through Bermuda media and conscious music sang by such artists and martial arts pro-athlete Zenji Ingham who has worked with my PR Firm as an Artist for many years. I look forward to collaborating and twinning with Bermuda on behalf of the Bath PACT Meetings Forum hence bringing solutions for our streets and our community.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Bath PACT meeting @ Guildhall tonight.

The quarterly Bath PACT Meetings will be held again tonight 6:30 pm at the Council Chambers in the Guildhall. I certainly look forward to tonights meeting as always and filling out the very big shoes of Mr. Henry Brown our former Chair. My motto has always been 'Actions Not Words' hence my pledge is to bring this to fruition for our beautiful city of Bath as your new Chair. See you all at the meeting and feel free to comment here. With kindest regards. Mandana :0)

Friday, 8 October 2010

When I met busers!!!

Last night was an interesting public meeting where afterwards I had the opportunity to discuss with two bus company heads and one bus users organization. FIRST, WESSEX CONNECT and BUS USERS UK. I will be corresponding with them all further in order to come up with a win win situation for all. Feel free to email me with your comments and concerns and I will certainly assure you it will be noted.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Attacks on the elderly rise?!

Should there be stronger laws against ASBOs who attack the elderly whether one has clear evidence or not? What are your thoughts?

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Penny saved is penny earned!

Just a thought...who's to blame for the present state of affairs? The last government, the banks or us who lived above our means? Lets seriously look in the mirror and stop blaming the present coalition government who took over just a few months ago...

Thursday, 20 May 2010

World Heritage Volunteers Committee spotted again!

9th May was a glorious Sunday, we painted bollards and removed Graffiti again this time from The Royal Crescent! Outrageous!!!...what is this world coming to?! We as the World Heritage Volunteers Committee members are very passionate about the preservation of our beautiful historical buildings. We urge more residents to join us, pick up a brush and paint this city beautiful again! Feel free to contact me if interested in volunteering. We will be meeting again this Sunday 23rd at the
Royal Crescent so come along and lend a hand! Mandana :0)

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Is SouthGate dangling golden carrots infront of businesses?

Our city centre is becoming a living gost town with every other shop closing..the interesting point is that they all seem to be moving to the SouthGate shopping could it be that SouthGate is giving a better deal to businesses than the council who owns more than 60% of the buildings in the city centre?! What are your thoughts on this?! Mandana

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Mortgage Loans v First Time Buyers

I've come across many young families of recent who wish to live a noble life, climb the real estate ladder and build a little nest egg, however there is the the impossible task of coming up with minimum of 20% down in order to get a mortgage certainly ousting the majority of average earners! We bailed the banks, now how about the banks being a little more mindful of young families too...what are your thoughts? Mandana ::

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Stamp Duty horror for millions!!!

Do you think the Stamp Duty holiday which ended in January 2010 will drastically effect the sale of one's property or the affordability for new or first time buyers??.... Mandana. :p