Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Just incase you are new to PACT.

Partners and Communities Together (PACT) PACT meetings are public meetings - open to everyone living or spending time in a neighbourhood. They are designed to be regular meetings where members of the public raise issues and vote on which issues should be priority. A panel of key partners and stakeholders will then be tasked to action these and report on progress to the next meeting. PACT meetings enable low level, localised community safety issues to be addressed together with partners using all available options and solutions. They enable local people (i.e. people living, working or spending time in the area) to assist with problem solving on a local level. They enable people to ‘task’ their Neighbourhood Team and other community representatives. PACT meetings provide communities with clear information about how they can get in touch with their local Neighbourhood Beat Manager (NBM) or PCSO. By ensuring that there is an opportunity to meet the Neighbourhood Team at a local open meeting, communities will be provided with reassurance that they have access to their local team. Our next PACT meeting is on 18th April 2012, 6:30pm at the Bath Guildhall.

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