Friday, 25 October 2013

PACT meeting update on Anti Social Behavior priority

Letter of assurance from head of our boys in blue and associate Steve as sent to the Chair of Bathwick Estate residents Association and dear friend Ms Julie Trollope quote:- 

have been asked to respond to your comments following the recent City Centre PACT Meeting. Firstly can I thank you for your contribution to this particular forum which I know you have been a part from the earliest days.
As you are aware, the PACT process is an opportunity for the community to engage with lead organisations, and to influence responses to community safety related issues. The experiences discussed at the meeting, including noise, urination, vomiting and other bad behaviour fits squarely in the category, and this has been raised as a PACT Priority.
Since the meeting I have spoken with your PACT Chair to ensure that we are clear about the objectives and that appropriate action plans have been put in place.
Yesterday, I sat on the three monthly Night Time Economy Steering Group meeting, a multi-agency group set up to oversee and implement initiatives to reduce the adverse effect of the Night Time Economy by reducing, whilst promoting safety. I brought this PACT Priority to the table ensuring it was part of wider discussion.
The Alcohol Harm Reduction Scrutiny Inquiry Day held on 10/10/13, hosted by B&NES Local Authority, also covered some of the areas raised. It was agreed that tackling some of the problems associated with the unhealthy excessive consumption of alcohol,  will very likely address some of the issues of anti-social behaviour and disorder  we experience on our streets. Key findings and  recommendations are currently being drawn up.   
In the short term the local police will continue provide policing, taking positive action against those who seek to ruin everyone’s night out (and in) in Bath. We will work with partners, including licensees to promote well run establishments and sensible drinking.
I would urge people effected by such anti-social behaviour to contact us to let us know. If we are not able to respond immediately, the report will inevitably influence our patrol plans, to help us put our police officers and PCSO’s in the right place to try to prevent reoccurrence. We can be contacted at the time either on 999 if urgent, 101 if non-urgent, or via our website at
As always, a full update on progress will be  made at the next PACT meeting, which will be held on 8/1/14 at the Guildhall, Bath.
In the meantime, if I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Best Regards

Steve Mildren
Neighbourhood Inspector, Bath

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